Bruree GAA and Community Lotto:
Our Lotto draw took place on February 17th. Unfortunately, we had no winners. The numbers drawn were: 1, 3, 5 & 19.
Our lucky dip winners were:
€50 Linda Buckley, Bruree (online), €25 Erin Sheahan, Bruree (T. Cotter), €25 Aidan O’Rourke, Dublin (B. O’Rourke), €20 Jimmy Leslie, Bruree (N. Leslie), €20 Pa Carey, Bruree (Online) & Mary & Gang (Online).
The jackpot is now €3200, and the next draw will take place on February 23rd at 21:00 in the Railway Bar.
Club Limerick Draw:
The first Club Limerick Draw of the year will take place on March 29th. Thank you to everybody who took part last year.
Joining this draw is of huge benefit to the club and you can join at any time. It is €10 per month with €5 going to Bruree GAA. Each month there is a €10,000 prize plus twenty-nine additional cash prizes each month and one Star Prize. To join or get more details visit Or contact any Bruree GAA Club Officer. Select Bruree GAA as your club.